Weight Loss Surgery

Obesity itself is a cause for many diseases as it is a health hazard which kills almost 40% of the population every year. It is been linked to various medical complications like heart stroke ,high blood pressure , diabetes ,cancer, gout ,osteoarthritis, and very commonly breathing problems such as sleep apnea and asthma. People being overweight have increased risk for chronic diseases compared to normal weight persons. Basically all over the world. the people develop heart attacks and diabetes like diseases every day due to obesity. As mentioned in patients history the person have sleep apnea which is a serious breathing problem associated with the overweight where the person snore heavily and stops breathing for short periods during sleep. It can cause day time sleepiness and increases the risk of heart disease and stroke; this increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. As the body mass index increases the risks of heart attack stroke increases as the fat and cholesterol deposits which block the walls and vessels of coronary artery and leads to heartattack. This also creates problems in the metabolic functioning of the liver and the hepatic cells which causes various metabolic disorders in the body.

Bariatric Surgery or Weight Loss Surgery is a procedure performed on people who are dangerously obese for the purpose of losing weight, this is achieved by reducing the size of the stomach with an dibesity can cause more than 20 types of cancers like rectal cancer, endometerial cancer,ovarian cancer to name a few implantation of medical device called gastric banding or an elastic fibroid like band or by removing a portion of the stomach or by restricting and re-routing the small intestines to a small stomach pouch.

The body mass index should be greater than 35 but it should simultaneously involve the height matching to this weight like five feet six inches tall and weighs more than 248 pounds, and if it is more than the patient should first restrict the diet and do cardio exercises followed with other heavy exercises to lose some kilos to make him feel comfortable and then plan for shedding his weight by surgery. But this surgery is not a permanent fix for the obesity if the person continues with the same diet and no exercises , to stay free from weight gain and regain the person have be strictly on diet and daily work outs so that the extra fats should not develop and it would be easy to maintain the weight . The person should regularly go for a checkup of blood sugar, blood pressure, ECG and basically should calculate the BMI regularly for a control on his diet and strictly follow the diet chat prepared by the nutritionist Weight loss or bariatric surgery carries risk factors, around 10% of the people have complications’ like inconvenient and unpleasant feelings, pain and discomfort and may require additional surgeries which also involve complications like nausea ,vomiting ,diarrhea ,wound infections or surgery infections ,abdominal hernias.

Everyone loves to get a fit body, but how many get a chance to have it. Our eating habits are quite a great barrier for bringing on our body into shape. So what we take into account is to run in the morning and even take a lot of fat reducing pills. But at the end we land on getting a lot of troubles and side effects. This kind of treatment which is called the bariatric surgery treatment has been ruling the health market without bringing any side effects on the body. The process of treatment is damn easy and don’t bring any defect in later condition. But something that has been revealed is high usage of the diet formulas might damage even the normal cells of the body. For the reason it is necessary that you take on a proper consultation before going through the treatment. The doctors are the ones who know a perfect mix of nutrition & surgery for the treatment process which would not cause any harm.