General Surgery

General Surgery has now become a highly specialized department that offers latest technology, operation techniques and management protocols for some of the commonest diseases of mankind.

Diseases range from simple gastrointestinal surgery for appendicitis to advanced surgeries like laparoscopic gastric bypass, ileo-anal pouches, thymectomy etc. Between this range lies evidence based treatment for gall bladder stones, hernias, ano-rectal diseases. Emergency surgery includes: blunt and penetrating injuries and accidents; perforation peritonitis, intestinal obstruction, acute abdomen, gastrointestinal bleeding etc. Planned surgery in addition to above includes : esophageal diseases like achalasiacardia, reflux diseases, benign and cancerous conditions; stomach ulcers, bleeding, tumor and cancer; gall bladder, biliary stones, cysts, tumors etc; pancreatic tumors, pancreatitis, cysts; splenectomy; adrenalectomy; thyroidectomy; salivary gland tumors; benign and cancerous conditions of breast. Swellings and surgical infections.

Facilities & Instruments available in AROGYA

AROGYA HOSPITAL has fully equipped operation theatres for conducting major and minor surgeries. We understand the impact of the hospital environment on the patient experience. Good environments make us feel better and feeling better is the key to getting better.

The treatment is completely handled by experienced and dedicated general, laproscopic and bariatric surgery team. There is utilization of latest technologies like Minimal Invasive Surgery for faster recovery that will make one experience with reduced pain and less scarring. These medical centers offer suite of services to our patients and some of the common procedures offered by these excellent medicos.